
Welcome to my archive of resources that were created before my retirement for solopreneurs, offered with the hope that they found some inspiration and knowledge here.  Simply click on the title and a PDF document will open for you.

Especially For The Solopreneur

Social Strategy -Template for Creating a Social Media Strategy.

Biz Mates Mind Map – Who should your business partners be?

Starting A Business – A checklist with many Canadian resources.

Business Profile Mind Map – A visual picture of all the aspects of being in business.

Networking Like An Extrovert – A presentation I gave at the Yellowknife Business & Professional Women’s Trade Show.

Trade Show Essentials – Trade Shows are a great way to raise awareness about your business in your community.  This e-Book is in a workbook style that allows you to record your decisions as you make them.  A must for trade show planning.

Sustainability Mind Map – Defines the three pillars of sustainability.

Target Client Template – Ready for completion

Hudson’s Core Values – A Summary of his book

Career & Life

Procrastinator’s Guide – e-Book to help you understand why you procrastinate.

Career Fulfillment Test – Some questions to help you decide for sure.  Is it, or isn’t it?

Fulfilling Career Mind Map – Defines my thinking about what it takes to be happy in a job.

Life-Balance Wheel – A tool to help discover what needs some work right now.  Assign a score 0-10 and record it on the wheel.

Kick Start Your Career – An article I wrote for the NWT Department of Education Career Newsletter.  It’s a good reminder to step back for a wider angle view of your career.

Coaching Tips for a Balanced Work/Life – My tips for creating a healthy work/lifestyle.

28 Principles of Attraction – From the creator of coaching Thomas Leonard’s book The Portable Coach – 28 Sure-fire Strategies for Business and Personal Success.  A great personal development exercise is to take each principle and journal your thoughts, feelings and plans.

Employee Satisfaction – Here’s a questionnaire to help you gain clarity about how you feel about your job.

Values Exercise – A tool to help you become clear on your values